

The red, white, and blue stripes symbolise the nation, Buddhism, and the monarchy, respectively


international CropScience Conference


Bangkok, Thailand


27-28 July 2006


conference org.

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conf. programme pdf














International Crop-Science Conference” & Exhibition



Malaysia Kuala Lumpur


24th-25th January 2008


conference detail




international CropScience Conference


Bangkok, Thailand


27-28 July 2006


colour leaflet in pdf

conf. programme pdf




AUDACE's presentation


in New Delhi


September 2003


conference detail


















































International Crop-Science Conference & Exhibition

Prospects of Agrochemical and Biotech Industry Post WTO Era

27th  - 28th July, 2006     Radisson Bangkok, Thailand







By creating a new I.P. right, that is data exclusivity outside the duration of the basic patent and SPCC the « Dominant Industry » has secured for itself the WHOLE CAKE !


This is increasingly misunderstood, unpopular, and like any excessive immoderation, unsustainable. It will run up against its own contradictions and all kinds of dispositions including competition law.


Even a fashionable, though spurious, catchphrase such as « free riders » applied to the independent generic producers will not resist the evidence and the enormity of the CAKE.


Beyond differences of opinion and corporatist interests, a new multilateral approach will have to be invented to reconcile public health and environmental regulations with I.P. rights, consistent with their respective objectives.   ( text )




Click in the picture to view the powerpoint presentation







Pesticides Manufacturers & Formulators Association of India


 Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry


Basic Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics Export Council (CHEMEXCIL), Mumbai 
Set up by Ministry of Commerce,
Government of India)





trends_bouton.jpg (123666 bytes)amending directive 91/414/EEC: 



see the following pages :



included, AUDACE's comments and observations on the proposals for
Regulation [ 2006/0136 ( COD ) - COM ( 2006 ) 388 final ]and
Directive [ 2006/0132 ( COD) - COM ( 2006 ) 373 final ] 
relating to the marketing and sustainable use of Plant Protection Products (PPP)
(0,140 MB)



voir les pages suivantes :



inclus, les  Commentaires et observations d'AUDACE sur les propositions 

de règlement [ 2006/0136 ( COD ) - COM ( 2006 ) 388 final ] et
de directive [ 2006/0132 ( COD) - COM ( 2006 ) 373 final ]

concernant la mise sur le marché et l'utilisation durable des Produits PhytoPharmaceutiques ( PPP ) (0,26 MB)









27th-28th July, 2006 - Hotel Radisson 92 Soi Saengcham, Rama 9 Road, Huay Kwang, Bangkok 10320, Thailand


27th July, 2006


08.15 – 09.15 AM               




I N A U G U R A L     F U N C T I O N


09.15 – 09.20 AM

Lighting of Lamp


09.20 – 09.30 AM

Welcome Address by President, Mr. Pradip Dave, PMFAI


09.30 – 09.40 AM

Global Scenario of Chemical Industry by Dr. Satish Wagh,Chairman, Chemexcil


09.40 - 09.55 AM

Chief Guest – Dr. N.B.Singh, Agriculture Commissioner & Chairman of Reg. Committee, Dept. of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture


09.55 – 10.05 AM

Guest of Honour – Representative of The Federation of Thai Industries(FTI)


10.05 – 10.35 AM

Key Note Speaker - Dr. Donald Wauchope, Retired Research Chemist, USDA-ARS – Global Trends in Pesticide Regulation: The Long Road to Harmonization


10.35 – 10.40 AM

Vote of Thanks – Mr.Vinod Gupta, Advisor, FICCI


10.40 – 10.55 AM

Tea Break




“International Crop-Science Conference“ & Exhibition - 2006

DAY – I, 27th July 2006


Venue: Grand Ball Room


Future Trends and Development of Agrochemicals and Biotechnology Industry

Chairman of Session I


Dr. George Fuller, Executive Director, CropLife Asia, Thailand


Name of the Speaker

Title of the Paper

10.55 a.m. to 11.15 a.m.



Dr. George Fuller Executive Director
CropLife Asia

Bangkok, Thailand

Benefits & Limitation of Conventional Farming & Organic Farming in view of Estimated increase in Population world over

11.15 a.m. to 11.35 a.m.






Dr. Istvan Ujvary

Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry

Chemical Research Center

Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Budapest, Hungary

Pesticide chemistry of the future.  Blending old and new technologies in research and manufacture

11.35 a.m. to 11.55 a.m.






Dr. A. Mattoo

Senior Scientist

Sustainable Agricultural Systems Laboratory

United States Dept. of Agriculture (USDA)


Nutritional Enhancement of Crops via Genetic Engineering: Prospects for Human Health and Future Agriculture



11.55 a.m. to 12.15 p.m.




Dr. S. Sirisingh 

Technical Consultant

Entomology & Agrology

Dept. of Agriculture

Bangkok, Thailand

Committed to Better, Safer & Ecofriendly Agrochemical

12.15 p.m. to 12.35 p.m.





Mr. Kinya Ogawa

Organic Chemical Division

Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. Ltd.


How to get a better efficacy of mating disruption




12.35 p.m. to 01.20 p.m.  



01.20 p.m. to 01.40 p.m.





Dr. J.S. Yadav


Indian Institute of Chemical Technology
Hyderabad-500 007.

Pheromones as Pest Control Agents and Registration Regulations

01.40 p.m. to 02.00 p.m.

Discussion for Session I


Role of Generic Agrochemicals Post WTO Era & Biotechnology & Promotion of Multilateral Trade
Chairman of Session II


Dr. Bhushan Mandava, Consultant, Mandava Associates, USA


02.00 p.m. to 02.20 p.m.




Dr. Gero Vaagt
Senior Officer

Pesticide Management Group

FAO Plant Protection Service (AGPP)

Rome, Italy

International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides


02.20 p.m. to 02.40 p.m.

Dr.Bob Fairclough

Managing Director

AMIS Global Ltd.

Scotland, UK

The Global Crop Protection, Seed & Agricultural Biotechnology Industry – Long Term Trends & Prospects for the Generic Agrochemical Industry

02.40 p.m. to 03.00 p.m.



Dr. Stephane   Delautre-Drouillon

Audace Association


Effect of TRIPS on Agrochemical Industry and cautious to prevent misuse of TRIPS

03.00 p.m. to 03.20 p.m.




Dr. Roman Macaya



Miami, Florida,

Latin America

Economic and Social Consequences of Product Registration Traps and Over-Protection of Intellectual Property: Strategic: Positions for the Generics Industry

03.20 p.m. to 03.40 p.m.

Dr. Bhushan Mandava

Mandava Associates


Generic Pesticides in NAFTA Region

03.40 p.m. to 04.00 p.m.

Discussion for Session II


Biotechnology & Role of GM Crops in Agriculture
Chairman of Session III


Dr. Santhu Shantharam, Biologistics International, USA


04.00 p.m. to 04.20 p.m.



Dr. C.S. Prakash


Tuskegee University

Tuskegee, USA

Future trends & Development of Agrochemical Industry and Biotechnology Industry

04.20 p.m. to 04.40 p.m.



Dr. Santhu Shantharam

Biologistics International

Ellicott City, USA

Role of Sound Regulations in the Development of Agricultural Biotechnology



04.40 p.m. to 05.00 p.m.



Session III (Contd.)


05.00 p.m. to 05.20 p.m.






Dr. Violeta  N. Villegas

Regulatory Affairs Manager for Asia-Pacific Region



Role of GM Crops in Modern Agriculture

05.20 p.m. to 05.40 p.m.




Prof. Kongming Wu

Institute of Plant Protection

Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Beijing, P.R.China

Impact of BT Cotton on use of Agrochemicals



“International Crop-Science Conference“ & Exhibition - 2006

DAY – II, 28th July 2006


Venue: Grand Ball Room


09.00 a.m. to 09.30 a.m.


Discussion of Session III – Day I Conference

Zonal Harmonization of Registration Requirements of Agrochemicals

Chairman of Session IV


Dr. N.B. Singh, Agriculture Commissioner & Chairman of Reg. Committee, Dept. of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture


Name of the Speaker

Title of the Paper

09.30 a.m. to 09.50 a.m.

Dr. Rod Parker

Founder & Managing Director

Agricultural Information Services

London, U.K         

The Rise & Rise of Non-Crop Pesticides Market – Where is the New Business?

09.50 a.m. to 10.10 a.m.

Dr. S.Y. Pandey

Director (Chemistry)

Jai Research Foundation

Vapi, Gujarat

Global Harmonization of Registration Requirement

10.10 a.m. to 10.30 a.m.




Dr. P. Balakrishna Murthy


International Institute of Biotechnology and Toxicology (IIBAT)

Tamil Nadu

Key Differences of Toxicological Requirements and Protocols in Different countries with EU,OECD, Japan and India

10.30 a.m. to 11.00 a.m.

Discussion for Session IV




11.00 a.m. to 11.15 a.m.



Molecular Modelling / Process Improvement & other related subjects      

Chairman of Session V


Dr. H.G.Joglekar, Senior Scientist, NCL, Pune


11.15 a.m. to 11.35 a.m.



Prof. Ibrahim K. Nazer

Plant Protection Department

Faculty of Agriculture

University of Jordan


A pilot study on manufacturing, handling and using pesticides in Jordan

11.35 a.m. to 11.55 a.m.



Dr. H.G.Joglekar

Senior Scientist

Chemical Engineering & Process Development Division

National Chemical Laboratory (NCL)


Abatement of malodorous emissions from manufacturing of pesticides

11.55 a.m. to 12.15 p.m.


Vice President (Res. & Tech. Dev.)

M/s. Godrej Agrovet Ltd.

Vikhroli (East), Mumbai –400 079.

QSAR based Molecular Modelling of Novel Agrochemicals



12.15 p.m. to 01.00 p.m.




Scope of Speciality Chemicals and its Synergy in Agrochemicals Industry & Surfactants & Adjuvants

Chairman of Session VI

Dr. A.T. Mirajkar, Vice President (Technical) R&D Centre, M/s.Unitop Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.


01.00 p.m. to 01.20 p.m.



Mr. Allen Underwood

Director - Global Business Development & International Mktg.

Helena Chemical Company

Memphis, USA

Adjuvants and their Role with Better, Safer and Eco-friendly Agrochemicals

01.20 p.m. to 01.40 p.m.



Mr. Shilpan Patel
Managing Director

M/s. Arrow Coated Products Ltd.

Andheri (W), Mumbai – 400 053

Water Soluble Films: The solution for Agrochemical Packaging Problems

01.40 p.m. to 02.00 p.m.

Dr. A.T. Mirajkar

Vice President (Technical) R&D Centre

M/s.Unitop Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.

Andheri East,Mumbai-400 072.

Card Phenol – Ethoxylates

Economical Natural origin, Non-Petro Origin Biodegradable Surfactants against Alkyl Phenol Ethoxylates

02.00 p.m. to 02.20 p.m.

Mr. Raju Kapoor

Business Unit Head – Agrovet Division

Jubilant Organosys Ltd.


Scope of Specialty chemicals and its synergy in agrochemicals industry

02.20 p.m. to 02.30 p.m.

Discussion for Session VI


02.30 p.m. to 02.40 p.m.


Introduction to India Chem 2006

02.40 p.m. to 02.50 p.m.

Ms. Ma Chunyan



Beijing, China

Activities of CCPIT

02.50 p.m. to 03.00 p.m.

Dr. Shubao Sun



Activities of CCPIA

03.00 p.m. to 03.15 p.m.


Mr. Pradeep Dave

President - PMFAI

Distribution of Awards & Mementos

03.15 p.m. to 03.30 p.m.


Vote of Thanks