Pr. Marian APFELBAUM, Nutrition, Hôpital Bichat, Paris France
Pr. Nigel BENJAMIN, Acute medicine, University of Exeter and Plymouth, UK
Dr. Jean-Marie BOURRE ** Dir. de Recherche INSERM, Académie Nationale de
médecine, Paris, France
Pr. Jeanne BRUGERE-PICOUX, Professeur à l'École nationale vétérinaire de
Pr. Nathan BRYAN, Institut of molecular medicine, Health Science Center
University of Texas Houston USA
Dr. Christian BUSON**Docteur en agronomie, Président de l’ISTE, Rennes,
Pr. Christian CABROL, Cardiologie, Académie de médecine, Hôpital Pitié
Salpêtrière Paris France
Dr. Theo M.C.M. de KOK, Associate professor Department of Toxicogenomics,
Maastricht University
Pr. Jean-Claude DUSSAULE, Professeur enseignant de Physiologie et Médecin
au service de physiologie à l'Hôpital St-Antoine de Paris
Dr. Alexander GALKIN, Lecturer in Biochemistry, School of Biological
Sciences Queen's University Belfast
Pr. Mark GLADWIN, Medicine, Vascular Medicine Institute University of
Pittsburgh USA
Pr. Andrew M. JONES Sport and health Sciences, University of Exeter, UK
Dr. Jean-Louis L’HIRONDEL ** Rhumatologie, CHU Caen, France
Pr. Jon LUNDBERG, Pharmacology Karolinska Institutet Stockholm, Sweden
Pr. Maurice Tubiana, Institut de cancérologie Gustave Roussy – Villejuif,
Pr. Eddie Weitzberg, Physiology and Pharmacology, Karolinska Institutet
Stockholm, Sweden
John FAWELL, member of expert committee on Drinking Water, World Health
** membre du comité scientifique
Nitrate - Nitrite - Oxyde Nitrique
perspectives pour la santé
sous le
patronage de l'Académie Nationale de Médecine
Le 31 mars
2011, était organisé, à l’hôpital de la Pitié Salpêtrière, sous le
patronage de l’Académie Nationale de Médecine, un colloque sur le thème :
« Nitrate, nitrite, oxyde nitrique : nouvelles perspectives pour la santé
Les conclusions de ce colloque sont sans appel : au-delà de
l’innocuité, déjà établie depuis plusieurs décennies, les intervenants ont
démontré que les nitrates sont avant tout bénéfiques pour la santé.
Health Symposium
Nitrate, Nitrite, Nitric Oxide
New perspective for Health
Nitrate-Nitrite-Nitric Oxide Pathway
Nathan S. Bryan
Institut of molecular
medicine, Health Science Center University of Texas Houston
The short-lived, free
radical molecule nitric oxide (NO) has emerged as one of the
most versatile cell signaling transmitters produced by
mammalian biological systems. The discovery of the formation
of NO from the semi-essential amino acid L-arginine through
one of three isoforms of nitric oxide synthase provided a key
therapeutic target, which is still the focus of much research
today. Recently, the oxidative ‘waste’ products of nitric
oxide, nitrite and nitrate, have been evaluated in a new
context, due to their own ability form NO independent of
nitric oxide synthase enzymes, through reductive electron
exchanges. Since nitrate (as well as nitrite) are primarily
ingested in the form of fruits and vegetables, which have been
known for some time to protect against diseases from
atherosclerosis to cancer, a new paradigm has emerged
regarding the role of these once feared nitrogen oxides. There
is now a recognized human nitrogen cycle consisting of
commensal bacteria in the oral cavity, which serve a reductive
role in the conversion of approximately 20% of ingested
nitrate to nitrite, now appears to provide a significant NOS-independent
source of NO generation. This new paradigm may have
revolutionary implications in terms of developing strategies
to combat heart disease and many other
contemporary diseases associated with a NO deficiency. Perhaps
now we should consider nitrite and nitrate as the bioactive
food components that account for the protective phenotype of
certain foods and diets. Recent work has shown various
cardioprotective effects from modest supplementation of
nitrite and nitrate. Nitrite, in particular, has been shown to
prevent hypercholesterolemic microvascular inflammation and
protect against injury from ischemic events. The broader
context of research regarding nitrate, nitrite, and nitric
oxide suggests these simple nitrogen oxides serve as a
critical dietary component for protection against various
chronic diseases. Currently, heart disease and cancer lead the
nation in cause of deaths. Concurrently, the dietary patterns
of the West have transitioned towards heavily processed foods
and lack significant quantities of fruits and vegetables. The
explanations have been varied but overlook simple molecules
known to play critical roles in multiple organ systems through
the chemical messenger NO. The dietary contributions to normal
NO homeostasis would not only help explain significantly lower
rates of cardiovascular disease in those who regularly consume
fruits and vegetables, but also arm scientists and physicians
with a relatively simple and inexpensive therapeutic
intervention. The objective of this presentation is to review
the important roles nitrite and nitrate play in biological
systems and NO homeostasis. A risk benefit analysis will be
discussed to show nitrite and nitrate present no danger when
consumed in modest quantities and preferably with
antioxidants. In fact, research appears to suggest nitrite
acts as a redundant NO reservoir when NOS activity is
insufficient or stress requires a secondary source. The future
use of nitrite/nitrate in dietary considerations will likely
have a significant impact on current public health policy.
d'azote, nitrate et nitrite dans le rein
Dussaule JC, Guerrot D,
Placier S, Boffa JJ, Chatziantoniou C
Unité UMRS 702 Inserm et UPMC (Paris)
Il est largement démontré que le monoxyde d'azote (NO) est un
facteur essentiel de la régulation de l'hémodynamique rénale.
Le blocage pharmacologique de sa synthèse endothéliale
entraîne une néphropathie vasculaire comportant une composante
inflammatoire et une composante fibrotique qui concourent à la
perte fonctionnelle du rein. Dans le laboratoire, nos travaux
pharmacologiques ont porté sur le modèle de carence en NO par
administration de L-NAME qui inhibe l'activité de la NO-synthase
chez le rat et la souris. Dans ce modèle expérimental, nous
avons caractérisé deux marqueurs précoces, d'origine
vasculaire, de la néphropathie : l'E-sélectine et la
périostine. L'action pro-inflammatoire et profibrosante du
L-NAME est prévenue par les antagonistes des récepteurs de
l'angiotensine II et de l'endothéline, ce qui témoigne de
l'équilibre entre facteurs rénaux vasodilatateurs et
vasoconstricteurs dans les mécanismes physiopathologiques
rénaux. La production rénale de NO est donc un élément clé de
la prévention des néphropathies vasculaires. Les agents qui
bloquent sa production comme l'ADMA (asymmetric
dimethylarginine) qui s'accumule au cours de l'insuffisance
rénale chronique, ont un effet pathogène certain. A l'inverse,
certains travaux expérimentaux suggèrent que la
supplémentation en nitrites et nitrates, en favorisant la
synthèse de NO, aurait un effet protecteur contre la
progression des maladies rénales chroniques.
Interaction of
mitochondrial Complex I with NO
Alexander Galkin
Queen's University
Belfast, Medical Biology Centre, 97 Lisburn Road, Belfast, BT9
Mitochondrial complex
I plays a critical role in regulating cellular energy
generation and the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS).
Two catalytically and structurally distinct forms of
mitochondrial complex I have been characterised in enzyme
preparations: one is a fully catalytically competent, active
(A)-form and the other is a dormant, silent or de-activated
(D)-form. When deprived of substrate, at physiological
temperatures the idle enzyme undergoes conversion into the
D-form. This can gradually convert back to the A-form in the
presence of substrate (NADH and ubiquinone) during slow
turnover(s) of the enzyme. In the D-form of complex I a
critical cysteine-39 of the ND3 subunit becomes exposed to the
outside of the enzyme and is susceptible to covalent
modification. Previously we have found that the conformational
state (A or D) of complex I is an important factor for the
interaction of the enzyme with NO-metabolites in vitro, since
only the D-form was susceptible to modification by
nitrosothiols and peroxynitrite resulting in inhibition of
respiration. Recently, we showed that the A-to-D transition
occurs in cells and tissues deprived of oxygen when the
respiratory chain is reduced. We demonstrated that
re-activation of the accumulated D-form could be prevented by
treatment with NO-donors or endogenously-generated nitric
oxide (NO). Therefore, in some circumstances in situ, presence
of NO may lead to modification of complex I when it is in its
D-form and so impede its return to the active state. Indeed,
accumulation of the covalently modified D-form is likely to be
responsible for the so-called persistent inhibition of
cellular respiration that occurs in cells when NO is present.
The detrimental effect of such irreversible locking of complex
I in the D-form could be because of the decrease in overall
respiration rate and due to the fact that the modified D-form
of the enzyme generates ROS at a higher rate than the A-form.
Thus, a combination of changes in mitochondrial ROS
production, a change in NAD/NADH ratio and a decline in the
rate of oxidative phosphorylation could lead to cellular death
and might be responsible for ischaemic damage as well as for
the early stages of neurodegeneration.
Nitrate and
Host Defence
Nigel Benjamin
Honorary Professor of Medicine
Peninsula School of Medicine and Dentistry
University of Exeter, UK
Exposure of humans to inorganic nitrate is inevitable. Every
day, on average we synthesise approximately 1 millimole of
nitrate from the oxidation of nitric oxide, which is
continually generated in the vascular endothelium and neuronal
tissues from the amino acid L-arginine. Following infections,
and particularly gastroenteritis, the synthesis of nitric
oxide increases, up to ten fold due to increased nitric oxide
manufacture by inflammatory cells.We now know that nitric
oxide is important in protecting us from a range of microbial
pathogens. We also are exposed to 1-3millimoles of inorganic
nitrate in our diet. Green, leafy vegetables and some root
vegetables (such as beetroot) contain large amounts. This
nitrate, together with that synthesised from nitric oxide,
undergoes a complex reprocessing to allow more nitric oxide to
be made. This process, known as the enterosalivary circulation
of nitrate is proving to be important in maintaining
cardiovascular health as well as protecting us from infection.
Nitrate is concentrated at least ten-fold in salivary glands
and on the surface of the tongue is converted to nitrite by
facultative anaerobic bacteria which use nitrate as an
alternative electron acceptor. This nitrite is swallowed and
then, when acidified in the stomach, generates a complex mix
of nitrogen oxides. We have shown that this mix of nitrogen
oxides, including nitric oxide, is effective in killing a wide
range of potential pathogens which cause food-borne illness,
including C.Difficile, Salmonella typhi, Shigella,
Campylobacter and E.Coli O157.Understanding of this mechanism
suggests that increasing nitrate intake may be important in
preventing illness from swallowed pathogens, and also suggests
that that the reason antibiotic therapy may predispose towards
C.Difficile infections may be due to prevention of oral
conversion of nitrate to nitrite by tongue symbionts. We have
also shown that nitrate in sweat may be important in
protecting the skin from bacterial and fungal infection, and
others have suggested that nitric oxide synthesis via
bacterial reduction of the large amount of nitrate in
urinereduction may have a rôle in preventing urine infections
in susceptible patients. Future research will determine
whether enhancing dietary nitrate intake is effective in
augmenting host
defence against pathogens by increasing nitrogen oxide
endogenous nitrosation and colorectal cancer risk
Theo M. de Kok,
Department of Toxicogenomics, Maastricht University, The
Increased intake of nitrate in drinking water has been shown
to raise endogenous formation on N-nitroso compounds (NOC).
Epidemiological studies have shown that dietary factors linked
to the stimulation of endogenous nitrosation, a process
resulting in the formation of this class of compounds, are
associated with increased risk of various cancers, including
colorectal cancer. Although NOC are known rodent carcinogens,
there is only very limited direct evidence for a carcinogenic
potential of NOC in humans. In a series of human studies we
established that at physiologically relevant exposure levels
in vivo, NOCexposure is associated with validated markers of
carcinogenicity, and induces gene expression profiles in
colonic tissue that are relevant in the carcinogenic process.
These findings indicate that NOC exposure may be relevant in
the development of cancer, thereby mechanistically linking
nitrate intake to human cancer risk.
Méthémoglobinémie du nourrisson. Un seuil bactériologique.
Dr Jean-Louis L’hirondel
Rhumatologie, CHU Caen, France
Les autorités sanitaires internationales, notamment la
Commission de l'Environnement de la Santé publique et de la
Sécurité alimentaire (ENVI) du Parlement européen et
l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) considèrent que les
nitrates de l’eau de boisson constituent un danger sanitaire ;
selon ces instances, les nitrates de l’eau de boisson seraient
transformés en nitrites dans l’organisme, et les nitrites
transforment l’hémoglobine des globules rouges en
méthémoglobine ; d’où un risque de méthémoglobinémie du
nourrisson. L’auteur montre qu’en fait, ce raisonnement en
viendrait à interdire toute préparation alimentaire à base de
légumes, souvent très riche en nitrates. En réalité, les
nitrates de l’eau ou de la préparation alimentaire du
nourrisson ne pourraient éventuellement être réduits en
nitrites, que si une condition impérative était respectée, à
savoir, que la préparation alimentaire soit
bactériologiquement contaminée et contienne plus de 106 ou 107
germes ml-1. Il convient donc avant tout de garantir
strictement les conditions sanitaires, quelles que soient les
teneurs en nitrates de la préparation alimentaire.
Dietary nitrate
and exercise performance
Andrew M Jones
Sport and Health Sciences, College of Life and Environmental
Sciences, St. Luke’s Campus, University of
Exeter, Exeter EX1 2LU, United Kingdom
Nitric oxide (NO) is an important physiological signaling
molecule that may modulate skeletal muscle function through
its role in the regulation of blood flow, muscle
contractility, glucose and calcium homeostasis, and
mitochondrial biogenesis and respiration. In recent studies,
we have shown that enhancing NO bioavailability through
dietary nitrate supplementation reduces the O2 cost of
exercise and improves exercise performance. In our first study
(1), we found that 4-6 days of dietary nitrate supplementation
(0.5 L of beetroot juice per day containing ~ 6 mmol nitrate)
reduced the ‘steady-state’ O2 cost of sub-maximal cycle
exercise by 5% and extended the time-to-exhaustion during
high-intensity cycling by 16%. In a follow-up study (2), we
used 31P- magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) to investigate
the mechanistic bases of this phenomenon. We found that the
same dietary nitrate supplementation regimen as used in our
first study resulted in both a reduced pulmonary O2 uptake and
a reduced muscle metabolic perturbation (i.e., blunted changes
in muscle phosphocreatine, adenosine diphosphate and inorganic
phosphate concentrations) enabling high-intensity
knee-extension exercise to be tolerated for a greater period
of time. The estimated total ATP turnover rate was reduced by
~ 30% during both low-intensity and high-intensity exercise.
These data imply that the reduced O2 cost of
exercise following dietary nitrate supplementation is related
to a reduced ATP cost of muscle force production, although
concurrent changes in the efficiency of mitochondrial
respiration are also possible. We have also demonstrated that
the positive effects of nitrate supplementation on muscle
efficiency can be manifest acutely (i.e. 2.5 hours following a
6 mmol nitrate ‘bolus’) and that this effect is maintained if
supplementation at the same dose is maintained for 15 days
(3). Because beetroot juice contains compounds other than
nitrate that might also be bioactive, we have developed a
nitrate-depleted beetroot juice as a placebo (4). We found
that nitrate-depleted beetroot juice had no physiological
effects relative to a control condition whereas nitrate-rich
beetroot juice reduced the O2 cost of both walking and running
and extended the time-to-exhaustion by 15% (4). Most recently,
we have investigated the influence of acute dietary nitrate
supplementation on 4 km and 16.1 km time trial (TT)
performance in competitive cyclists (5). We found that
cyclists were able to produce a greater power output for the
same rate of pulmonary O2 uptake, resulting in a 2.7%
reduction in the time to complete both TT distances.
Collectively, our studies indicate that dietary nitrate
supplementation profoundly and consistently reduces the O2
cost of physical activity, and enhances exercise performance.
While these findings are clearly of considerable interest to
athletes, it is possible that clinical populations and the
elderly may also benefit if dietary nitrate intake can be
shown to reduce the O2 cost of the ‘activities of daily
1. Bailey SJ et al. J Appl Physiol.
107:1144-55, 2009.
2. Bailey SJ et al. J Appl Physiol. 109:135-48, 2010.
3. Vanhatalo A et al. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol.
299:R1121-31, 2010.
4. Lansley KE et al. J Appl Physiol. 2010 [Epub ahead of
5. Lansley KE et al. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2011 [Epub ahead of
A propos de
quelques erreurs ou imprécisions sur les nitrates dans la
littérature scientifique
Dr. Jean-Louis L’hirondel
Rhumatologie, CHU Caen, France
L’auteur recense les erreurs ou imprécisions sur les nitrates
qu’il a pu déceler dans les articles scientifiques parus au
cours des dernières années. Il décrit des omissions de
certains champs du savoir, des conceptions erronées du
métabolisme des nitrates, une méconnaissance du constat de
Donahoe (1949), c’est-à-dire de l’absence de lien statistique
entre les taux en nitrates de l’eau de puits et le risque
méthémoglobinémie du nourrisson, enfin des erreurs
méthodologiques à l’occasion d’études épidémiologiques sur la
responsabilité éventuelle que les apports en nitrates par
l’intermédiaire de l’alimentation solide ou de l’eau de
boisson sont censés avoir dans l’apparition d’effets
défavorables au long cours.
Nitrate and
Nitrite in the WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality
John Fawell,
Member of the Expert Committee on the WHO Guidelines for
Drinking-water Quality
Nitrate, and to a lesser extent nitrite, have long been known
to be anthropogenic contaminants in drinking water sources.
Nitrite can be easily converted to nitrate but nitrate is
difficult and expensive to remove from drinking water,
particularly groundwater. As a consequence a great deal of
research of varying quality has been directed at the potential
adverse health effects of nitrate. The Joint WHO/FAO Expert
Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants (JECFA) primarily
used data from experiments in laboratory animal in developing
tolerable daily intakes (TDI) for nitrate and nitrite.
However, it is very important to consider whether there are
differences in metabolism that mean that the animal model is
or is not appropriate for extrapolation to humans. Equally the
epidemiology database that has considered a number of
endpoints provides equivocal evidence for long-term health
effects such as cancer, although there is credible evidence
for a plausible mechanism through nitrosation. WHO has a long
standing guideline value of 50 mg/litre of nitrate which is
based on methaemoglobinaemia in bottle-fed infants. The
guideline for nitrite is 3 mg/litre on the same basis but the
guidelines require that both are taken into consideration.
However, WHO recognises the uncertainty in the data on
methaemoglobinaemia and the complicating factor of infantile
diarrhoea, and recommends that this value should not be seen
as an absolute cut-off; providing guidance on applying the
guideline value flexibly. Currently WHO regards the guideline
value as a sensible and valid compromise in the face of
conflicting scientific evidence but continues to monitor new
studies as they emerge.
French National Medicine Academy to Hold : English
Colloque Nitrate - Nitrite - Oxyde Nitrique
perspectives pour la santé
sous le
patronage de l'Académie Nationale de Médecine
Le 31 mars 2011 -
L'institut scientifique et technique de l'environnement,
organise le 31 Mars 2011 à Paris, un colloque ayant
pour thème "Nitrate,
Nitrite, Oxyde nitrique: nouvelles perspectives pour la
En novembre 2000, un premier colloque international avait
été mené au Sénat sur les nitrates, la santé et
l’environnement, qui avait donné lieu à une publication.
Plus de 10 ans après cette manifestation, de nombreuses
avancées scientifiques et médicales ont vu le jour.
L’objectif de ce deuxième colloque consiste à établir la
meilleure synthèse des connaissances actuelles, tant sur
le cycle des nitrates et des nitrites dans la cellule et
dans l’organisme, que sur le rôle central de l'oxyde
nitrique. Des recommandations pratiques sur l’alimentation,
les additifs alimentaires et sur l’évolution des normes
sanitaires seront ensuite dégagées et discutées.
Plusieurs spécialistes de la question ont été conviés pour
présenter leurs recherches: les Pr. Marian APFELBAUM, Pr.
Nigel BENJAMIN, Pr. Jeanne BRUGERE-PICOUX, Pr. Nathan
BRYAN, Pr. Christian CABROL, Dr. Theo M.C.M. DE KOK, Pr.
Jean-Claude DUSSAULE, Dr. Alexander GALKIN, Pr. Mark
interviendra en tant que représentant de l'OMS.
Les Dr Jean-Marie Bourre, Jean-Louis L’hirondel et
Christian Buson constituent le comité scientifique de
cette manifestation.
Le colloque est réalisé sous le patronage de l'Académie
Française de Médecine. |

Christian BUSON
Aux Entretiens d'Angers 2010
Symposium information
and registration :
Health Symposium
Nitrate, Nitrite, Nitric Oxide
New perspective for Health
Under the patronage of
France's Medecine Academy
March 31st - ADICARE,
"Institut scientifique et technique de l'Environnement"
will organise on March 31st 2011, in Paris, a
symposium whose topic is
"Nitrate, Nitrite, Nitric oxide: new perspective for
In November 2000, a first international
symposium led to the Senate (Paris, France) on nitrate,
health and environment was the occasion to release a
publication. More than ten years after this event, a lot
of progress has been made in medicine and science. This
second symposium consists in establishing the best
synthesis of knowledge as well on the cycle of nitrate and
nitrite in cell as on the nitric oxide (NO) key role.
Practical recommendations on nutrition,
food additives and on the evolution of health standards
will be gathered afterwards.
Among the specialists who will participate,
we can cite : Pr. Marian APFELBAUM, Pr. Nigel BENJAMIN,
Pr. Jeanne BRUGERE-PICOUX, Pr. Nathan BRYAN, Pr. Christian
CABROL, Dr. Theo M.C.M. DE KOK, Pr. Jean-Claude DUSSAULE,
Dr. Alexander GALKIN, Pr. Mark GLADWIN, Pr. Andrew M.
JONES, Pr. Jon LUNDBERG, Pr. Maurice TUBIANA, and Pr.
M. John Fawell will represent the World
Health Organisation.
Dr Jean-Marie Bourre, Jean-Louis L’hirondel
and Christian Buson are member of the symposium scientific
The symposium will take place with the
French Medecine Academy patronage.
information and registration formalities are available on
this webpage:
médecins soulignent les nombreux bénéfices santé des nitrates
colloque médical à l’hôpital de la Pitié- Salpêtrière, à Paris, a mis en
exergue les effets positifs des nitrates sur l’organisme. Un classement
des aliments a même été présenté.
FRANCE AGRICOLE 3380 - 21 - 08 avril 2011 :
nos amis pour la vie
Philippe Pavard,
rédacteur en chef adjoint
FRANCE AGRICOLE 3380 - - 08 avril 2011 :
nombreux bénéfices avérés pour la santé
AGRICOLE - Publié le lundi 04 avril 2011 - 16h42 :
Retour en
grâce des nitrates dont les effets seraient bénéfiques pour la santé
le11 avril 2011
dans :
Santé environnementale,
Santé et nutrition


Colloque Nitrate - Nitrite - Oxyde nitrique
Le 31 mars 2011
Sous le patronage de l'Académie Nationale de Médecine
Accueil des participants
Introduction du colloque : Pr Christian Cabrol
Physiologie, action des ions Nitrate et Nitrite, rôle central de l’Oxyde
La voie métabolique Nitrate-Nitrite- NO,
Pr. Nathan Bryan, Université d’Austin (Texas, USA)
Effet physiologique et mécanisme d’action des Nitrites et des Nitrates
dans la physiologie humaine,
Pr. Mark Gladwin, Université de Pittsburgh (USA)
NO, Nitrate, Nitrite et fonction rénale,
Pr. Jean-Claude Dussaule, Hôpital St Antoine (Paris, France)
Effet des Nitrates et des Nitrites sur la circulation sanguine
Pr. Eddie Weitzberg, Karolinska Institute (Stockholm, Suède)
Effet des Nitrates, des Nitrites, du NO sur le système cardio-vasculaire,
Pr. Jon Lundberg, Karolinska Institute (Stockholm, Suède)
11h 11h20
Discussion et pause
11h20 Nitrate, Nitrite, NO et défense sanitaire,
Pr.Nigel Benjamin (University of Exeter and Plymouth, UK)
Nitrate, nitrosation endogène et risque de cancer colorectal
Théo de Kok (Maastricht University)
Nitrates, nitrites et risque de cancer
Catherine Hill, Epidémiologiste, Institut de cancérologie Gustave Roussy
La Méthémoglobinémie du nourrisson: un seuil bactériologique,
Dr. Jean-Louis L’hirondel (Caen, France)
Déjeuner 13h/14h
Nitrate, Nitrite, santé et recommandations alimentaires
14 h00
Nitrate, Nitrite et pathologie animale,
Pr. Jeanne Brugère-Picoux ENSV (Maison-Alfort France)
De hauts niveaux de consommation de Nitrates sont-ils indispensables pour
rester en bonne santé ?
Pr. Nigel Benjamin (University of Exeter and Plymouth, UK)
Nitrate alimentaire et performances physiques,
Pr. Andrew Jones (University of Exeter, UK)
Interaction du Complexe I de la chaine respiratoire mitochondriale et de
l’Oxyde nitrique,
Dr. Alexander Galkin (Queen's University Belfast)
15h20 15h40
Discussion et pause
Index NO des aliments : définition du bénéfice pour la santé de la
consommation de nitrate et de nitrite.
Pr. Nathan.Bryan (Texas, USA)
Nitrate, Nitrite et usages alimentaires,
Pr. Marian Apfelbaum (Paris, France)
A propos de quelques erreurs trouvées dans la littérature scientifique,
Dr. Jean-Louis L’hirondel (Caen, France)
Evolution des normes concernant les ions Nitrate et Nitrite,
John Fawell OMS (Genève, Suisse)
Essai de synthèse et perspectives
Dr. Jean-Marie Bourre, Académie nationale de Médecine (Paris, France)
Remarques terminales : Pr. Nathan Bryan
Clôture: Pr. Christian Cabrol Académie Nationale de Médecine (Adicare,