Monsanto extended its advantage by sharing its regulatory clearances with companies that buy the ingredient from Monsanto rather than make it themselves. That sped up government approval ... >>
Competition Monsanto's dominant position in glyphosate |
'<< ... "They said, 'We'll
license you the molecule, and you can buy it, repackage it,
do whatever you want. Or you can build your own plant.' ''
said Jeffrey Peck, an analyst at Bear Stearns. ''Just about
every company they offered it to took the deal.''
Monsanto extended its advantage by sharing its regulatory clearances with companies that buy the ingredient from Monsanto rather than make it themselves. That sped up government approval ... >>
Read David BARBZA's article in the New York Times in 2001 > Articles on the net
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C’est en septembre 2000 qu’AUDACE rapporte en Europe la preuve que Monsanto ...
It is in September 2000 that AUDACE returns from the United States with the proof ...
A commercial policy which consists in decreasing voluntarily the price of the unbranded glyphosate to discourage generic producers during the period of data protection - Une politique commerciale qui consiste à déprécier volontairement le prix du glyphosate sans marque afin de décourager les producteurs génériques pendant la période de protection des données
Read the New York Times article by David Barboza here below
lire l'article du New York Times de David Barboza ci-dessous
AUDACE denounced and opposed MONSANTO’s strategy relating to the marketing of glyphosate soon after the fall of the basic patent.
Since 2000 actions undertaken by the association before community and national authorities aim at opposing different components of the firm’s strategy :
AUDACE dénonce et s’oppose à la stratégie de MONSANTO relative à la mise en marché du glyphosate quelques années après la chute du brevet de base.
Depuis 2000 les actions de l’association devant les autorités communautaires et nationales visent à combattre différents éléments de la stratégie de la firme :
1. une politique commerciale qui consiste à déprécier volontairement le prix du glyphosate sans marque afin de décourager les producteurs génériques pendant la période de protection des données >> lire la suite
2. le soutien aux ventes de « ROUNDUP » par des campagnes publicitaires massives mais contestable y compris en justice >> lire la suite
3. une taxe antidumping sur le glyphosate d’origine chinoise >> ECHEC À LA STRATÉGIE COMMERCIALE DE MONSANTO + lire également l'affaire T-498/04
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David Barboza has been a correspondent for The New York Times based in Shanghai, China since November 2004