House of Representatives Prescription Drug Task Force
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Congressional Sites
Rep. Tom Allen's Prescription Drug Information Page
Rep. Pete Stark's Prescription Drug Page
Rep. Henry Waxman's Pharmaceutical Issues Page
Rep. Bernie Sander's Prescription Drug Page
Consumer/Public Interest Groups
The Cost Containment Research Institute -- This organization has a publication to inform patients who cannot afford their medications about programs administered by pharmaceutical companies. While the programs can be complex and are grossly inadequate they are the only choice many patients will have until Congress takes additional action.
Public Citizen
Consumer Project on Technology
National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare
Families USA
Industry Trade Associations
National Community Pharmacists Association
National Association of Chain Drug Stores
Generic Pharmaceutical Industry Association
National Association of (Generic) Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
Pharmaceutical Research Manufacturers Association (PhRMA)
National Wholesale Druggists Association
NewsStudiesPress Releases / Dear Colleagues